Move to Melbourne

After waking up to a lovely view of Sydney Harbor, walking for a muffin and real coffee by the ferries, we hopped on a plane for a 1.5 hour flight to Melbourne. In Sydney, the air was warm and humid but in Melbourne, it was downright cold. I guess I won’t be wearing dresses after all.

Finding our apartment seemed harder than it needed to be. It’s in the Central Business District (CBD) in the Victoria Center. The bottom of the building is a mall complete with grocery store, general store, sushi take-out, and anything else you want to buy. We’re on the 34th floor and the pool/gym (yay!!!) is on the 45th floor.

I spent the afternoon doing laundry, unpacking, and organizing the apartment so it’ll be functional for us in the next couple of months. We walked to a Chinese restaurant 2 blocks away after passing a dozen other cuisines to choose. I’m not tired of going to restaurants or walking on the street!

Do you see a face on the side of a building? This is the distinguished face of William Barak, the last traditional ngurungaeta (Elder) of the Wurundjeri-willam clan.