
molokaiMolokai by Alan brennert is a touching story about Rachael, a 6 year old Hawaiian girl who contracts Leprosy i.e. Hansen’s Disease, is removed from her family and sent to a leper colony on Molokai. One would think that she was sent there to die but it was on Molokai where she really began her life. The colony afforded her a new community complete with best friends, an adopted aunt, great adventures, lovers, and  a full life.

She had a baby with her husband but the daughter was taken away by the government to prevent infection. Rachael wanted nothing more than to be cured of the disease. She did realize though that “she had to stop regretting the things that were [forbidden] and start enjoying the things that were not”

Eventually, she was cured, found her remaining family of origin members and the daughter she had to give up for adoption. She led a long and interesting life.

I don’t know what it was about the story that connected with my heart but I found myself weeping at the deaths of certain characters, at difficult communications and reconciliations. A sweeping and engaging tale.

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