Melbourne 2024 February

The month of February was very Taylor Swift-centric but I did many other fun things too. I started the month off with the yearly Midsumma Pride event where I marched with Monash University.

My annual pass to the Eureka Skydeck was going to expire so I journeyed to the 88th floor to enjoy the sweeping views of the city. One day, a massive summer storm drove me to the deck to see the lightening and experience the windows rattling from the wind. Very exciting.

I went to the Fanposium sponsored by the Swiftposium and even went to one of the Swiftposium’s open lectures. At the bracelet-making event, I was interviewed by the news and even make it onto live television at the 5:54 time mark.

Other fun things I did:

  • Ian Potter Museum
  • Town Hall and City Art tours
  • Ex-pat Meetup BBQ lunch
  • Contemporary Art Museum
  • ACMI

The TS concert was excellent and I enjoyed all aspects of my senses before, during, and after. 96,000 people leaving one place at the same time was a little anxiety provoking but thankfully we’re a kind cult and no trampling or violence occurred.

For Valentine’s Day, we went to the Crystal Jade restaurant with our friends who made up the other half of the named restaurant 🙂 Since this was during the Lunar New Year celebrations, we had a minimum purchase, leading us to choose amazing food for dinner.

We went to “Ground Hog Day, the Musical” and was happy to see how they addressed some of the misogynistic themes in the movie. The Princess Theater is a gorgeous space and I’m always happy to see anything that’s shown there.

Twice a year, in February and November, a striking phenomenon descends over Melbourne. As the sun rises or sets in perfect alignment with the east-west corridors of the CBD grid. I’d learned about this via Tiktok’s Julian O’Shea so I was pleased to see that I would be able to see it myself on February 7th. There were a couple hundred people camped out on Parliament’s steps but there was a fog bank just at the horizon so we didn’t get to see the sun alignment down Collins Street.

A GF drove me out of town to visit the McClelland Sculpture Garden and the Cranburn Garden, both of which gave me joy.

The Treasury Tour was another Melbourne locals tour that highlighted what we learned last year in Ballarat. We spent time at our favorite spots e.g. Irish Times, Dangerfield, and the used book store in Fitzroy. I went to an church organ recital, and fell in love with the art at the First Nations Museum. I realized I wasn’t prepared for the Oxfam fundraiser walk so I began regular 10-12mile walks around the city.

I shoved a lot into February 🙂