Melbourne 2023 February

This was a busy month for it being so short. I crammed a lot in.

  • Harry Potter
  • Tibbs and Bones
  • Midsommer Pride
  • David Sedaris
  • Easeys + walk to Edinburgh garden
  • ACMI
  • Sunset chasing
  • Night Market
  • Sea Life Aquarium
  • Tasmania
  • Valentines Day – Carlton Club
  • Move to Docklands
  • Son’s visit

While DH2 was on a Tasmania backpacking trip, I did something interesting every day. I joined him in Hobart for the weekend and then my son came to visit!

Harry Potter Cursed Child Play at the Princess Theatre. The dementors were chilling.

Midsommer Pride Event. Got a new skirt from Tibbs and Bones.

David Sedaris at Hamer Hall

The jellyfish exhibit at the aquarium was good.

Flying to Tasmania, here is a view of the Port Phillip entrance.