Map My Life

I take my phone with me when I exercise so I have my audiobook or my tunes to entertain me during my workout. Since I have my phone, I have cool apps to measure how far, how long, how high I go: I use Map My Walk and Map My Ride. On the rare days I actually run, I still claim it’s a walk.

After every mile mark, the kind female voice tells me total time, total distance and split time. When I’m done with my workout, it gives me graphs and charts of my workout and saves the data so I can go back and relive my good times. I think there are other features and I get emails about joining challenges and other fun things, but I like what it does with just capturing my workout.

There are days I forget to start the app. Sometimes I forget to turn it off, hop in my car after a hike and then am startled when I hit another mile marker via GPS. I giggle thinking that I’m being recorded as walking at 25 miles an hour.

I’ve been using the free version for years and decided to spring the $.99 for the ad free version. Since it’s something I use most days of the week and is actually useful, this was a good investment.

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