Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet!

Questions from Jinny S. Ditzler’s 220-page book, “Your Best Year Yet!”

Question 1: What did I accomplish in 2020? I did not go crazy under quarantine. I expanded my life as much as I could within the boundaries of pandemic rules.

Question 2: What were my biggest disappointments? No travel, no parties. Didn’t get married.

Question 3: What did I learn? Creativity isn’t dead. Nail art.

Question 4: How do I limit myself and how can I stop? My circumstances are what limit me.

Question 5: What are my personal values? learning, taking care of myself, exercising.

Question 6: What roles do I play in my life? Worker, girlfriend, mom, sister, friend.

Question 7: Which role is my major focus for the next year? Don’t have one

Question 8: What are my goals for each role? Worker: learn what’s needed to do a good job. Girlfriend: stay present, curious, and adventurous. Mom: offer support but have no expectations. Sister: connect as often as possible. Friend: be present and connect.

Question 9: What are my Top 10 Goals for the next year? Gratitude project, attend retirement seminar, get account numbers to kids, get lawyer info to kids, update monthly expenses, get Brandon on safe deposit account.

Question 10: How can I make sure I achieve my Top 10 Goals? Use my Trello board and calendar.