Maddow at the Arlington

Rachel Maddow visited Santa Barbara through UCSB Arts and Lectures. She was promoting her book “Drift” as well as answering questions that had been submitted previously  from UCSB Political Science students and teachers.

Maddow noted that she wasn’t used to talking in front of a large group. Her show is filmed in a small area with only production people in attendance. When she speaks for the show, she imagines explaining things to her partner or parents rather than thinking that millions of people are watching and listening to her.

Maddow mentioned the presidential debate and the whole audience groaned. The group was not happy about Obama’s performance but Maddow went on to deconstruct the debate. Then she asked what the one thing was that everyone remembered about the debate, and all 2000 of us responded “Big Bird.”

The next night, on Maddow’s show, she relayed this experience to her national audience. It was fun to be somewhere that was later mentioned on TV.

Maddow’s performance was interesting, informative, entertaining, and thoughtful.

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