
lotusland1Lotusland is a 37-acre public garden of exotic plants that belonged to Ganna Walska. The spectacular collection is a very personal expression of Walska’s penchant for the dramatic, the unexpected, and the whimsical. Married 6 times, Walska was a singer and socialite.

The gardens range from a spectacular lotus pond, cactus, succulents, cyads, topiary, and bromeliads.

The theater garden sports a collection of antique stone figures, called “grotesques” that look toward the stage. Hedges create the wings of the stage and there is seating for one hundred on three tiers of benches made of sandstone. Sister and I like to sing songs to the statuary and imagine them as adoring fans.

The first time I visited was with Daughter’s 4th grade class. It’s part of that year’s curriculum and I loved the exotic plants and watching the kids fall in love with the garden. Luckily I chaperoned Son’s class 2 years later. 6 years later, I have a membership.

Lotusland hosts many events including plant auctions where a plant can be sold for several thousand dollars.

A recent event was Summer Bounty: A Lotusland Food & Wine Fête. Food from Arlington Tavern was paired with wine from Zaca Mesa and served in the evening for summer solstice. It was a scrumptious evening with 22 interesting guests.

Lotusland is a gem for our community. lotusland2

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