
In my post-anesthesia haze of my shoulder surgery, I began watching the 1997-2002 Sci-Fi series Lexx on NetFlix. IMBD describe the series as

A group of desperate fugitives from an interplanetary tyranny find themselves in control of a massively powerful starship.

Wow, it was so much more. It was silly, it was sci-fi, it was sexy, it was campy, it was great.

Because I knew I wanted to write something about it, I started taking notes when something struck me along the way. Here is what I wrote (comments are to explain my notations):

  • eyes like x-files – comment: there was an effect that was used where it looked like black ink infiltrated the eye. This was a common event in the x-files.
  • breathing life smoke like dementors – comment: any scene that reminded me of something else got noted in the first 3 days. Hence there was a scene where the life was being extracted from a character much like the dementors did in Harry Potter.
  • hair like peg bundy – comment: the character Giggerota reminded me of Peg Bundy.
  • Lexx spaceship like brewster rocket ru serius – living bug – comment: Does anyone read Brewster Rocket comic strip? The Lexx reminded me of the RU Serius ship that is in the strip.
  • garbage planet, like star wars garbage shoot
  • felt like hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
  • Lexx talks to Stan like Hal talks to Dave- 2001 space odyssey
  • First episode, Barry Bostwick. Second episode had Tim Curry. I thought the 3rd would have another actor from Rocky Horror
  • Zev, blonde, red, long multicolor. Reminded me of Rachael Ward or Tea Leoni. Must be the lips
  • ATF – is the truly evil organization. I did LOL

I became attached to the characters, as only watching something from beginning to end in 4 weeks can do. In the end, Kai, says goodbye to Zev saying to her “I’m sorry that I never could love you the way you wanted me to.” I cried.

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