Labral Tear

My MRI has shown that I have a shoulder Labral Tear. At least I know what’s wrong now.

We went to FL for winter vacation and on the 2nd day when I went to wash my hair, I noticed that my arm was sore when I lifted it up. Hmmm, I figured I slept on it weird on the overnight plane trip. I was doing some yoga one night in the rec room of my mother-in-law’s over 55 condo complex and something felt like a riiiiip when I tried to do a push up. I still didn’t think much of it, maybe it was just bad push up?

In January, I went back to my fitness routine which included lifting weights. After the 2nd week, I decided that the pain was too much and maybe I should take a break. In February, I decided I should see a doctor but knew that the first thing he would say would be “take high dosages of Advil for a week and then let me know how it feels.”I just did this step on my own without the doctor’s Advil prescription. After a week, I could tell the shoulder did feel better but as soon as I stopped, the pain was back to where it was. I had to quit yoga since I could no longer lift my arm over my head, say nothing of supporting my weight on my arms for planking.

I scheduled a doctor appointment. He sent me off to PT but the PT said she wouldn’t treat me without a real diagnosis. After all, I just had me saying I had pain in my arm so she really didn’t know what she should do for me. She talked with my doctor whom I had to go see again for a referral for an MRI. This is now March before I get an appointment for an MRI. Then there’s another 3 weeks before I can see the orthopedist for a reading of my MRI. So today, almost 4 months after my injury, I get a diagnosis of Labrum Tear.

I probably injured my shoulder while picking up my suitcase. I’ll be trotting back to PT. I am unsure that I’ll be able to do the triathlon this year since I can’t swim.

I’m disappointed that just as my knee was recovering so I could run, I get a shoulder injury so I can’t swim. Getting old sucks.

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