Kindle is my Friend

I’ve had a Kindle since May 2009, one of the first models. I was amazed at how great it was. I had been skeptical at first because I’m a great lover of books and didn’t think I would like digital books. What about the feeling of the book in your hand? What about the heft, the smell, the experience?

What I found was that once I became engaged with the book, it didn’t matter what the delivery device was. Kindle was merely a way to deliver my story, not the demise of a book.

Once I was so involved with my book that when it came time to “turn the page”, I actually licked my finger as if I were going to turn a paper page. I did LOL when that happened. That’s when I knew I was a-ok with the Kindle.

I discovered I wasn’t so happy with reading text books that had charts or pictures. My Kindle version doesn’t handle them well. Fiction worked best. I found that “turning the page” took less effort than a paper book. I could just keep my finger on the “next page” button and not have to move my hand. Great for cold nights when you just want to stay in one place and not disturb the blankets.

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