Keep Reaching for the Stars

Growing up, just as every Saturday I watched American Bandstand, every Sunday I listened to Casey’s Kasem’s American Top 40. I can’t remember exactly when I started listening but I think it was around age 10 when I got my first cassette recorder. I had to miss 2 hours of the Sunday morning program due to church so I was thrilled when I could record at least 45 minutes worth of the show. If I got my mom’s cooperation to flip the tape, I got to hear all of the show I would have other wise missed.

I liked Kasem’s voice. I had no idea that he was Shaggy from Scooby Doo, but I liked the personality, the enthusiasm, the way he told stories. The weekly installation of Long Distance Dedication was often a heart-tugging/warming tale that Kasem did so well.

With the passing of Kasem last week, another slice of my childhood went dark. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.


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