Katy Perry Movie

One of the first lines in the Katy Perry movie is spoken by a couple of middle-aged women going to the California Dreams Tour concert who acknowledge that they might be older than the average fan. This could have been me. I love Katy Perry music. Daughter said she was rummaging around in my itunes library and mentioned that all she could find was Katy Perry music. I asked her if that was a problem.

The 3-D Part of Me movie combined documentary elements that I had seen before on MTV with concert footage. It felt like I at least got to see the concert since it was sold out in Santa Barbara when she came to town. In the movie, some of her tweets were shown on screen. It was a little surrealistic to see them again since I had seen them originally in her tweet feed last year.

The 3-D was fun, the music was great. I didn’t have expectations that it would be any great theatrical event so I was happy with movie. Inside I think I’m still a 16-year old girl. That’s how I feel when I listen to her music. Teenage Dream.

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