It’s what’s for dinner

I lied.

In my 2014 wrap-up, I declared that although I was eating meat, I didn’t foresee that I would be cooking meat. I have now entered into the meat-cooking phase of my culinary range. Maybe.

A friend of DH offered a vat of beef stew. The meat was tender while the sauce was tangy. DH suggested that I could make the dish if I were given the recipe. I balked at this idea initially. Even before my vegan/vegetarian immersion, I didn’t cook meat all that well. I know how to make a vegetarian recipe sing, I know what to do with a bunch of vegetables to make them not only edible but delicious.

I caved in and got the recipe for our friend’s stew which called for “stewing beef.” This is part of what makes me crazy with meat. A recipe will call for a specific type/cut of meat and when I go to the store, I can’t interpret what I see with what is on my list. Mercifully, there were trays that were labeled “beef for stew.”

I followed the directions, they were simple enough, and felt some apprehension about the results. After 2 hours in the oven, I was disappointed that the meat wasn’t tender enough. I think I’ll try 3 hours next time. The rest of the family liked it well enough. It was merely edible for me.