Indian Dinner

It started innocently enough. Curried Peanut Soup. Hmmm, that sounds good. So I begin assembling the ingredients. Curry from scratch, a half dozen spices. The kitchen smells wonderful.

Then the recipe wants me to make “The Topping” using fairly green bananas (such as those I bought yesterday to eat 2 days from now) – oK, I’m game. Kind of an unusual combination but I have faith it will all turn out fine.

Then as a post script, there is a suggested Indian Dinner menu. Perhaps my curried soup and banana topping won’t be enough? So I begin the Rice & Pea dish along with the Cucumber & Pepper Raita.

The tastes, textures and temperatures were lyrical. Everyone was happy and everything was consumed.

Looking up the recipes online, I see that from my 1982 Enchanted Brocolli Forest book, the recipe has changed now to SPICY PEANUT SOUP and has different amounts of ingredients. I’ll stick to my cookbook since I gave it a “4” in my “1-4” rating system.

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