I am an extrovert

The last time I took the Myers-Briggs test was maybe 10 years ago and at the time, I scored 50/50 introvert/extrovert. We went out for a night on the town with the folks from our sponsoring company and I can confidently say that after a year of pandemic, I’m an extrovert.

First we had cocktails on a hotel rooftop where I met everyone for the first time. Eight new people to get to know and start a social relationship with so I jumped in with both feet since there is no time to be shy.

We walked to an Asian-fusion restaurant where we had several appetizers, shared main plates, and free flowing red wine. There were 3 women so I thought we’d be evenly spaced on the table but we all ended up at the end by ourselves. This turned out to be great fun since I’ve not had any face-to-face female conversations in a year. Then people started rotating seats and I had the opportunity to talk to everyone. I felt energized and vibrating with that exuberance mentioned in my last post.

We wandered looking for a bar, some were too full but we found a saki bar where we had our nightcap. Walking home was a buzzy explosion of color and sounds.