Honoring Mom

StrawberryWhen I was a teen, my mom, sister and I would go to the South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa as an escape from Riverside. I’d dress my best, do my hair and makeup and we’d go and browse high-end shops. Any name brand designer store was fun since nothing existed like that in Riverside in the late 70’s.

But what I liked best was that on the way home, we would stop for strawberries. I don’t know why we did this or the exact details of how this happened. But when we got the farm fresh strawberries home, we would break out the sour cream and brown sugar.

Strawberry, put a spoonful of sour cream on it, dip in brown sugar. Eat. The wonderful creamy sweetness made me so happy. This was the perfect end of a day with my mom and sister.

For breakfast this morning, I assembled the ingredients and proceeded to eat until stuffed. I miss my mom.

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