Hobbit Uno

The_HobbitPeter Jackson knows Middle Earth. Or at least he’s created a world where we believe it’s Middle Earth. I was relieved when Guillermo del Toro dropped out of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey so Jackson could do the film his way.

Part 1 of this adventure covers a mere 6 chapters of the book but we at least get to meet Gollum. Andy Serkis is so good in the motion capture role. The riddle scene is a favorite part in the book and seeing it through the Jackson lens was awesome.

I loved seeing the LOTR characters in The Hobbit; it was like seeing old friends.

It is a long film and I was exhausted after viewing it. You’d think I had been the one battling Orcs! I didn’t go to a midnight showing as some of my friends did but I will absolutely go the part 2 and 3 upon their release.


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