
I rarely make potato salad from scratch. It’s so prevalent at pot lucks and so easy to buy pre-made at the store, why purposely make it? But what do you do with four bunches of dill?

It’s a lot of work to make good potato salad and it was very tasty.

Hiccup. Hmmm, I got the hiccups from eating potato salad?

Son comes in for his portion. Hiccup. Really? How coincidental!

Daughter comes in for her portion. Hiccup. Son and I start laughing hysterically and explained what happened.

An hour later, DH comes in for his portion. The previously hiccuped family members all loitering around to see if he too hiccups. Hiccup. Peels of laughter.

Many things can cause hiccups, one of these is resistant starch found in starchy foods like potatoes when they are eaten cold, says gastroenterologist Professor Terry Bolin, president of the Gut Foundation.

I just liked that it happened consistently to all of us. I’ll take entertainment any way I can!

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