Good Cheese

Son asked me for some advice:

I went to make nachos but there was only good cheese in the refrigerator. I felt bad that I was using expensive cheese for my nachos. What should I use instead?”

I answered:

Life is too short not to have good cheese.”

Five days later, Daughter is standing in front of the refrigerator and asks:

I want to eat some cheese and crackers but all there is to eat is this good cheese”

Son laughed and told Daughter that she had posed the same question and what my answer had been. Daughter then carved off huge slabs of Havarti to accompany her crackers.

Funny that they both though that havarti, aged/sharp white cheddar, and mizithra were too fancy just to eat. Son requested jalapeno jack from Costco for his nacho enjoyment. Well, I did try to get the message across to eat tasty things.

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