Golden Compass

goldencompassThere are many children’s books that I wanted my kids to read but they never had any interest in. When they were younger, I read what they read which is why I became a fan of Dian Duane’s “So You Want to be a Wizard” series, Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” series and Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson” series to name a few.

I had heard about the The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials, #1) by Philip Pullman and failed to engage the kids in reading the series. The material was up their alley with anti-religious themes and they demonstrated they could like stories with a female protagonist (Duane’s series) so I am not sure why they never had interest. I’m now on my own to read children’s books that I want to read.

Because I did see the 2007 film based on the book, starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig (it was the first major movie after he was in Casino Royale which meant I had to see it for the swoon factor), I read the characters with the actors in mind. Of course the book was better, it had an end whereas the movie felt it just trailed off unsatisfactorily.

I’m glad I read this allegorical tale. I found it coincidental that the story incorporates the aurora borealis since I am preparing to go see it myself. I wonder if I will find a magical city in the lights next weekend?


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