God in a Chocolate Cake

I was raised Catholic, went evangelical is high school, and became happily agnostic in college. I know this doesn’t win me points with Republicans and the Christian right. Sorry.

My brother was a baker for 20+ years and knows how to make awesome goodies. For DH’s birthday, I asked brother to make a cake. I didn’t give any specifications, just what ever he could find here in the house to use. He wanted to know where all of the normal baking tools were around the kitchen. He asked where the turn table was. I looked at him curiously and pointed to the record player in the living room. He laughed at me saying that a turn table was what you put a cake on to frost it. Umm, I don’t have one of those. He also asked for some spatula things to frost with. I didn’t have those either but he made do with what I had.

We had a lovely dinner at Cold Spring Tavern and came home to this cake. The kids found a 6 and a 1 candle and put lit them on top of the cake. The cake was cut and we began eating. My first thought was that if there was a god, this would be proof of its existence. It was so good, so perfect, it was as close to “heaven” as I could imagine.

Brother made a little cake for me today and I’m feeling rather stingy. I want to eat it all myself! Can something so god-like inspire such selfish thoughts? Maybe it’s more like sin in a chocolate cake? hmmm, 2 sides of the same coin I think.

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