Gate at the Stairs

While talking books with a neighbor, she suggested “A Gate at the Stairs” by Lorrie Moore. My reading card was full at the time with many titles lined up for the near future but I remembered that my neighbor had a book recommendation. When my list was dwindling and I was looking for the next story, I messaged my neighbor. (Why we use Facebook messaging when we live next to each other is really mind boggling to me)

With the new title, I went off to my local library’s Kindle website and downloaded the book. I hadn’t asked what the book was about, I just started reading. At first, it seemed like a coming-of-age story with a Juno twist. Then my neighbor’s daughter brought over a paperback version when I was about 1/3 done. I had the cover to look at, the reviews, the synopsis. There was a disconnect between what I was reading and what the advertising was. I was confused: how was this a post-911 tale?

The shift happened about half way through the book and the real story revealed itself. “Oh, I get it now.” There are hints in the first half of the book about the secrets about and realities of the characters but when they are made clear, it’s like having a brick fall on your head.

This is a story of a girl with hopes and many losses; how she deals or doesn’t deal with them.

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