Game of Thrones – HBO

Game-of-ThronesNext Sunday, HBO begins season 3 of Game of Thrones. The show is based on George RR Martin’s epic Song of Fire and Ice series. I ran across the first episode as HBO whets our appetite for the show.

The first episode is done very well: It introduces all major characters with their most strengths and flaws; it is richly textured in costume, scenery, and locales; it is delicious and titillating in story and dialog.

I remember when I first saw this a couple years ago without the benefit of reading the books. I didn’t like the violence and closed my eyes anytime I saw something bad was going to happen, but I didn’t turn the channel. After 3 episodes, I started reading the books and was pleasantly surprised by how faithful the show was to the book story line.

I wonder if HBO will be able to keep up the quality in season 3. I’ll anxiously watch to see.

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