
When I said that I wanted to go to the movie theater more often in 2014, Disney’s Frozen was not in my queue of what I wanted to see. But my teen kids wanted to see it so off we went. They rarely want to see movies and if they do, their choice trumps mine. I wouldn’t think that teens would be interested in a Disney princess story but then again, my kids do watch My Little Pony, so I shouldn’t be that surprised.

Frozen is Disney’s version of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen and I was surprised I liked it as much as I did. It seemed like an animator mastered ice and the studio thought this was a good venue to show it off. The ice was beautiful, from men making ice blocks from a lake to the princess making a spectacular ice place.

I know it’s Disney always has to have some lame sidekick character for comic relief but the snowman was not a value added element.

The songs were catchy, the scenery lovely, the characters complex. And wow, do they know how do do a snowflake!

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