Fried Green Tomatoes

Fresh Green Tomatoes

I’m not a deep-fry cooking kind of person. I prefer things raw, baked, or sauteed. The idea of immersing my perfectly good food into a vat of boiling oil doesn’t get me all that excited. Then I got a couple pounds of green tomatoes in my CSA share. Oy, the only thing I could think of was fried green tomatoes.

Previous to marriage, DH had a fully functioning kitchen complete with all of the usual cooking contraptions. A Fry-Baby was one of these appliances that I then acquired with the husband. I had no idea what to do with it. I thought of it as some sort of freak-show attraction yet I didn’t get rid of it. I tried using it in NY for tempura at least twice within the first 2 years of marriage. Then I used it once when we first moved to CA, I don’t remember what for. I know I used it once in this house within hazy memory of my kids since Son claims he remembers me using it. So I’ve used this Fryer 5 times in 20 years. You can see my romance with the product.

Fried Green Tomatoes

With much apprehension I pulled out the Fry-Baby (there’s also a Fry-Daddy for a much larger frying capacity) and read through the directions. Boiling oil sets off all kinds of safety red flags for me. I floured, egg-dipped, and seasoned my piles of green tomatoes and proceeded to fry away.

I have to admit, they were delicious. The kids gobbled them up and asked if we could fry at least one more time before I put it away for another decade.

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