Freedom day

We were scheduled to be released at 9am, they hadn’t arrived by 9:05 so we called to please let us out! Then we discovered BF had thrown our release papers away in the room and we had to wait for the police to let us back into the room to retrieve the papers.

OUTSIDE!!! OMG it felt so good. The taxi ride to the next hotel drove us by the cafe and intersection we saw from our room so that was cool. Our room wasn’t ready so we started walking. To be outside walking with other people was odd. I could touch things? I could be close to other people? How bizarre.

After a piccolo coffee at The Rocks we walked across the Sydney Bridge and along the shore on the far side. Pure joy.

After having lunch in the hotel restaurant and working a little bit, we went to the Opera House.

We met colleagues for drinks/snacks, a ferry ride under the bridge, a city walk, and Thai food. How much can we cram into a day!?!? 25k+ steps, exhausted, and happy.