
I have made many recipes from my birthday cookbook and rather than putting each in its own post, here they are up to this point:

Stuffed Onions

Rating: 4
Note: Daughter said that the only thing that
would have made them better is if they were
deep fried.

Saffron Cauliflower

Rating: 3
Note: Kidss ate the whole thing without sharing.

Eggplant Tricolore

Rating: 4
Note: this is my kids’ rating, I think I would have given it a 3


Very full tart

Rating: 3
Note: Need to use an extra egg. I forgot to add the peppers!

Cucumber salad with smashed garlic and ginger

Rating: 3
Note: marinate, marinate, marinate.

Stuffed Portobello

Rating: 3
Note: almost too much sun dried tomatoes and I couldn’t find Taleggio cheese.

Lentils with Broiled Eggplant

Rating: 3
Note: double the lentils.

Eggplant croquettes

Rating: 4
Note: Anything deep fried will be consumed.

Asparagus Vichyssoise

Rating: 4
Note: We ate it warm rather than chilled
as the recipe had called for.

Eggplant with Buttermilk Sauce

Rating: 4
Note: Daughter would have preferred it served warm.
Son said that I did a good job making it look like the cover of the cookbook.

I also made – but didn’t take pictures of:

  • Spicy Moroccan Carrot Salad. Rating: 3
  • Smokey Fritta. Rating: 4
  • Green Pancakes with Lime Butter. Rating: 4 (these were highly praised)

Things I learned:

  • Oooh, I like roasting eggplant on the stove. I’ve roasted pepper on the stove forever but never thought of roasting eggplant. Works really well and you get a consistent product at the end.
  • Using parchment paper instead of foil. Again an eggplant notation but I like how the eggplant comes out better than using foil.

Nothing received less than a 3, all were happy and full.

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