Enthusiastic Greeting

My kids went away for almost 3 weeks. Someone asked how it was for me with them gone for so long. It had been the longest I had been away from them. Ever. I think of it as a warm up for next year when Daughter goes off to college.

What was the same in my life without my kids? I still got up and went to work, came home to work my business. There are vast swaths of my life that my kids don’t intersect with.

What was different? Even when our lives don’t intersect, I’m still aware of my parenting responsibilities, thinking about “what’s next” on the family agenda and what each kid needs for the day. I think about their chores, homework, meals (even the ones I don’t prepare.) With them gone, I could stop that day to day responsibility thing since they were in someone else’s care. I did wonder how they liked being rained on everyday (hated it) but it was easy to give up the daily juggling.

Another difference with them being away was the grocery bill. I don’t think I’ve ever spent only $32 at Costco for a week of groceries. I also didn’t cook everyday. Ummm, I’m not hungry so I’m not making dinner. Worked for me!

The kids came home while I was at the dentist so I didn’t get to greet them when they arrived at the house. I gave Daughter a “squeeeeee” and a hug when I got home. She said my greeting was even more enthusiastic than our dog’s greeting, and she can be quite exuberant in her reception.

Having my kids home made the home feel complete.

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