Ender’s Game

I love sci-fi books. I never read any until my 30s. When I moved to upstate NY, I bored and lonely and started exploring DH’s library. Besides the engineering books that I had no illusion of understanding, I begin perusing the science fiction. Poul Anderson, Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein.

I liked the possibilities that science fiction offered. Different worlds, landscapes, economies, races. Rich with imagination, I traveled far and wide with these stories.

Ender’s Game is my most recent venture into space. When I got the book, my kids argued who got to read it first. Daughter won because it was more important for her to have the credit in her peer group than it was for Son.

It was written originally as a short story in 1977 and then published as a novel in 1985. A sub-plot of the story has 2 characters writing anonymously on “the nets” yet it was written years before the working internet as we know it. Coincidence?

Good character development, plot and surprising end.

It’s being made into a movie with Harrison Ford as the A-list star, to be released November 2013.

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