
I needed to take my evening medicine and broke out the green tea to consume. I like milk in my tea which in my world means vanilla soy milk. It was sweet and warm but I found I wanted a little alcohol for the evening too. Rummaging around in my cabinet, I came up with Drambuie, shrugged and splashed some into my cup.

Surprisingly good.

Drambuie is a sweet, gold colored liqueur with a Scotch whisky base that is accented with the flavors of Scottish heather honey, herbs, and spices.

That warm, sweet alcohol experience reminded me of hot buttered rum: cozy and yummy. I decided this was the best food discovery of the year.

I journeyed over to the Drambuie website to suggest this awesome use of their liquor but found they had already found this combination for a cold tea recipe. There is nothing that hasn’t been tried but I like my warm concoction.

From Wikipedia: The name “Drambuie” derives from the Scottish Gaelic phrase an dram buidheach, “the drink that satisfies”. I will agree with this.

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