Does not contain peaches

Salad dressing is a much used condiment in the house since we have salad several times a week. Whereas I’m happy with the bulk Hidden Valley Ranch bottle from Costco, the kids think REAL salad dressing comes in glass bottles. When I bring home a glass bottled dressing, they are relieved.

I brought home Brianna’s Home Style Poppy Seed dressing and upon inspection, the kids laughed because of a label that states

Serving Suggestion

Delicious on Fresh Peaches

Does not contain peaches

Then when I got other flavors, the labels read similarly. On the Zesty French which features a large red tomato: Delicious on Ripe Tomatoes, does not contain tomatoes. On the Dijon Honey Mustard bottle sporting an open avocado: Delicious on Ripe Avocados, does not contain avocados.

Humor where we can find it.

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