Desperate Goodbye

Last night, I watched the last Desperate Housewives of the series. In 2004, I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch something with such a name. It made me seem a bit desperate to watch it. But I was looking for something to watch so I said “what the heck” and started watching it.

I didn’t identify strongly with any of the characters. They are all such archetypes: ditzy, sexy, frustrated career woman, ultra conservative. But they were fun to watch and their lives were infinitely more interesting than mine. They all looked so good, which I know was the whole point of the show. They all had kids in varying ages but what always stood out to me was the lack of the kids’ presence when they were not a plot point. Whole story lines would occur without one kid needing a paper signed, food prepared, laundry done, to be driven somewhere, whatever. Life would never really be like what the women had on Wisteria Lane. Which again, was the whole point.

I liked when ABC started putting it on their website. I liked ABC’s generous viewing policy: the show was available the day after the premier and I just had to watch some commercials. I watch commercials when I watch on TV so I don’t mind commercials when I’m watching a show on the web. I could always see the girls and peek into their lives for the week.

For 8 years, I watched and enjoyed. This wasn’t a thought provoking show, a landmark on anything, earth shattering by any means. But it was fun and entertaining. And sometimes, isn’t that just the point?

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