
Arriving at night, I was struck by the burning smell of the hazy sky. At first I thought it was raining but discovered it was just windy but with bad air quality. There was so much particulate in the air that my teeth were gritty. The traffic was so horrific that when the driver encountered a tunnel, filled with red tail lights, he u-turned into oncoming traffic until he could find an intersection where he could join traffic going in our new direction. Yikes. On the side of the road, there was an advertisement that featured a sculpture with a human and robot hand joined in a Namaste gesture. A little unsettling.

Our room had no trash can, no towels, no toilet paper, and sheets with multiple holes. We left as soon as we could in the morning.

Friday, May 10

After stumbling into an Aloft hotel – which did in fact have a trash can, towels, and toilet paper – we summoned an Uber whose driver up-sold us on hiring him for the day. Best $30 spent on transportation. The Red Fort was a good starting place, followed by India Arch, the first of many buttered chicken opportunities, the Lotus Temple (only allowed 15 minutes), and Qutub Minar.

Our Uber driver scrolled through Instagram stories while driving in heavy traffic. I, on the other hand, cover my eyes in the back seat so I didn’t have to witness the traffic chaos.

After a berry beer, we braved walking through the horrific traffic to an ATM. Yikes, I do hate traffic.

Links to all posts related to the India and UAE trip