
I love my Kindle. I pre-ordered Charlaine Harris’ Deadlocked, the 12th book in the Sookie Stackhouse Vampire Mystery Series. On 4/30, at 9:45pm PDT, I got an email saying that my Amazon account was billed and that I could download the book. This is “a day early” for me since it was published May 1. I guess it was released on Eastern time. It worked for me! I read until 11:30, saying I HAD to go to sleep. After 30 minutes of just laying there, I started reading again. At 1:30, I tried to put it down again. After 20 minutes I gave up and read to the end of the book. At 4:15am, I was done with the book and didn’t sleep the rest of the night.

I had thought this was the last book and read it for finality. I found out there’s at least one more.

I’ve read these characters for years, I’ve watched facsimiles of them on True Blood. I was just happy to spend some time in Bon Temps and see what my friends had been up to. We had been left with a cliff hanger in the last book: Sookie had been given a fairy item that would allow her one wish as long as it had to do with a loved one. There was all kinds of speculation as to who she would use this cluviel dor for. I was happy that she used it for Sam. I’ve always been Team Sam.

I found it a good read, obviously I couldn’t put it down, am happy with the ending and am happy they’re more to come!

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