
I usually exercise before daybreak. The neighborhood where I do my hill repeats is usually consecutive pools of streetlights illumination. With today being a holiday, I did NOT get out of bed before it was light outside. Would I exercise for the day?

I read the paper, the on-line comics, checked Facebook. Everyone was commenting on what a gorgeous day it was. I started working. Emails from friends described the beautiful day. I was getting irritated by how happy everyone was. I was still in my pjs at 2:30. I hadn’t planned on getting dressed but remembered that I had a book club meeting. <sigh> OK, I’ll do something, I’ll go exercise

I debated whether to bike or walk up my usual Monday hill. I didn’t remember the last time I did the hill repeats in the sun so I opted for that. Plus the dog got to go for a nice walk. I don’t usually take her because I don’t need coyote bait in the morning.

I did feel better, it was a gorgeous day. Exercise is powerful.

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