Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Watching the movie credits at the end showed the true meaning of the newest Planet of the Apes franchise. The actor list: not so long. The list of animators, modelers, special effects, cgi, etc went on and on and on. This was all about the motion performance – it’s not just motion capture anymore.

The story was not even all that important. The new self-aware apes and the human-survivors of the simian virus from the Rise of the Planet of the Apes have a misunderstanding and war breaks out. That’s pretty much it. It’s just a set up for the next movie, the title of which we can conjecture. Domination of the Planet of the Apes?

Andy Serkis, in the lead as Caesar continues to be a most awesome non-human actor around. It’s always fun to watch Gary Oldman in any role he plays. The characters were either good-human/bad-human or good-ape/bad-ape. The movie showed that there wasn’t much difference between the two species.

On the SyFy channel tonight, the1968 Planet of the Apes aired. I just watched for 5 minutes. Wow has technology changed!

This was a summer fluffy blockbuster that required no brain cell strain.

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