
While exercising and I am traveling in one direction on a path, how does it happen that I end up 3-abreast with others on the path even when there has been no one on the path for the whole journey up to that point? I don’t understand the physics or coincidence of this convergence of bodies on the road at the same time.

All 3 of us are traveling at different rates, so why would we end up on the same point on the path at the same time? This happens repeatedly whether I’m on a bike path or walking on the road. It always ends up that I have to slow down or divert my path so there isn’t an accident.

It happened again while on my morning walk. 5:30am, no one is out. I don’t see another walker, a car, a coyote or rabbit. At 6:20am, a walker is coming toward me, then a car comes up behind him. We all are next to each other as we pass each other. Why didn’t the car pass before or after the other walker and I were next to each other? The timing makes no sense.

Coincidence and randomness. Such are the thoughts while exercising.


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