Common App

3am xmas morning, I hear Daughter creeping around the house, trying to get into the room (locked) where the presents were waiting for daylight. I heard her rummaging around and finally wrapping a present in the kitchen so I went to get a glass of water. I assured her that I couldn’t see anything since I didn’t have my glasses on.

A few hours later when presents were being opened, Daughter announced that she only wrapped one present, it was for me, and it was the one thing that I had been asking for all year. I verbalized my guesses: a scholarship or a college acceptance letter. After an eye roll, she emphasized it was something I had asked for all year from him.

I opened an envelope with a printed copy of her Common Application for private schools along with the individual supplements for Stanford, Cal Tech and Carnegie-Mellon. I could not have asked for a better present. Now she actually has to submit the applications…

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