Citrusy beets

I really shouldn’t take on many adventurous recipes right now. As I was making this dinner, I knocked things over, spilled, broke, and generally wreaked havoc in the kitchen.

These citrusy beets and walnut-coated broccoli-speckled mashed potato cakes were as tasty as they were a challenge to make. The potato cakes were delectable but took a long time to make. I’m not sure this will be a go-to recipe in my repertoire.

The citrusy beets were refreshing and simple to make. My final product looked nothing like the example in the cookbook. The sample showed all ingredients in their original color: the grapefruit as pink, the orange as orange. But my dish, when mixed with the beets, took on the red beet dye. It was a lovely shade, but I was surprised that everything was so colored.

The flavor between the two dishes complemented each other and was a delicious dinner.

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