
Daughter is dragging her feet on the college application process. There are some writing prompts for essays that she is supposed to respond to:

Describe a significant event in your life. How has it shaped the person you are today?

Describe a significant challenge you have faced in your life?

Daughter is unable to answer these. I think I’ve made her life too easy and gosh darn it, there has been little trauma for her to get over.

I relayed the story-line from Modern Family:

Haley is frustrated by one of her college essay questions, “what’s the greatest obstacle you’ve had to overcome?” She complains that Claire kept her too protected. Claire says “oh honey, you’re old enough now for the truth” and has Haley get in the car. She drops Haley off with no phone or money and drives away as she shouts “there’s your obstacle!” link to this synopsis

I asked Daughter if I should do something like that for her and she declined. I’m at least trying to be helpful.


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