Challenge Day 93

93. Potion: Write about a magic potion. What is it made of? What does it do? What is the antidote?

What do I wish could happen magically? I covered my main interests in Challenge Day 83, but if I could make a potion for a specific thing, maybe something where I could eat what ever I wanted without gaining weight? I know this is eating-disorder distorted thinking, but it would be nice if I didn’t have to constantly be thinking about what I’m putting in my mouth.

This stop-gain potion would be made from passion fruit, lychee, and cinnamon. The potion would be drank at the beginning of the meal and would last one hour and would prevent the food from becoming fat. The potion would only work once a day. Because the active time is so short, there would be no reason for an antidote. If there had to be one, the antidote could be drinking an ounce of absinthe. I would love to be able to eat one meal a day with abandon. Gluttony is one of my favorite deadly sins.