Challenge Day 92

92. Bug Catcher: Write about insects.

Roly Poly, fireflies, and ticks, oh my!

My mom told me stories of my early childhood where I would collect all the pill bugs and squash them. I don’t remember this but I do remember that I liked holding them in my palm, touching them so they curl up, and then waiting for them to open and start crawling again. Was it a power thing?

Growing up where there were no fireflies, I was shocked and delighted at the age of 20 to see the magical lightening bugs dancing in the sky over a Missouri field. It was another decade before I saw them again, this time in an upstate New York field on the 4th of July.

As an April Fool’s Joke, the Los Padres Forest Association released a warning about winged ticks capable of flight. The two funniest bits were that the ticks could carry Lyme disease but they could also carry the more dangerous Tangelo disease, and that the ticks could fly at speeds and distance similar to hummingbirds. I fell for the joke at first which made it a fine prank.

Firefly image prompt: Firefly_pill+bug, fireflies, ticks in a field_art,dramatic_light,hyper_realistic