Challenge Day 90

90. Green Thumb: Write about growing something.

When I moved in my DH2 when he was a mere BF, I was excited to have a new property to populate with foliage. There wasn’t much space to plant but I wanted to make my mark on my new home so I bought hundreds of dollars worth of native plants at the local botanic garden. I wanted to be an ethical gardener with my native plant purchases and lovingly planned locations for the plants and spent hours preparing the soil, planting, and fertilizing the new family members. I was shocked and dismayed when I woke up and found all of my plants had been eaten. If the local deer could have written a thank you note, it would have read “Dear caterer, thank you so much for the lovely brunch buffet. We’ve been waiting for a new vendor and were delighted by the assortment and presentation of these tasty favorites. We look forward to more delicious tidbits in the future.” I gave up and am no longer going to plant anything and this makes me sad.