Challenge Day 9

Son is coming to visit me in Melbourne next month and when I asked him if there is anything specifically he wanted to see while he was here, he said he wanted to See animals in the wild.

I also want to see animals in the wild but one cannot predictably glimpse wild animals because they are, ummm, wild and have their own schedule. This is frustrating which is maybe one of the reasons there are zoos. I think back at our previous attempts to see platypus or koala and they were not terribly successful.

I dropped by the visitors center to see what suggestions they had but they confirmed that spotting wild animals as is challenging and did not have a perfect solution. We can rent a car and travel to the Grampians or Angle Sea.

We saw kangaroos near the near the airport last year so that might an option the but I doubt we will see emus and definitely won’t see koala or platypus. Maybe a trip to the Healdsburg Sanctuary will give him a taste of the real thing.