Challenge Day 89

89. Status Update: Write a poem using the words from your latest status update or a friend’s status update. If you don’t use sites like Facebook or Twitter, you can often search online for some funny ones to use as inspiration.

I’m saying no thank you to a poem. In response to Donald Trump’s indictment, there are many fun responses.

The booking officer, a big, burly, handsome fella had tears in his eyes and said, “Mr President, these are the most presidential mug shots in the history of mug shots.” -DH2

Headline: Home Alone 2 lost in NY, star Donald Trump has been indicted on criminal charges. @DiscussingFilm

Googling “indicted” please hold. @KindaHagi

When my friend posted “The huge legal news today: Gwyneth Paltrow won her case!” A commenter shot back “Look deeper, TRUMP Indicted!!!” so my friend posted “Yeah, I know, I just love appearing like I’m clueless!”

Schadenfreude: the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. Yes, this is the feeling for the day.