Challenge Day 85

85. A Day in the Life: Write about your daily habits and routine.

Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head…oh wait, that’s not a day in my life.

A work day at home begins at 5am when I roll out of bed, clumsily put on work out clothes in the dark, and drive to the gym. With few people in the gym using the machines, I love working out in the early morning since there is less competition for gear. There’s usually a class like spin, yoga, or strength training to motivate and lead me through a routine. I leave the gym by 6:45am, arrive home at 7am so I can eat, shower, and dress before I leave the house at 7:30 to arrive at my campus desk at 8am.

My work day can include managing student email accounts, editing or creating websites, troubleshooting web processes, or teaching WordPress. There are always meetings (staff, unit, team) and special committees (hiring, processes, awards) to chew into the day’s work. I always have a 10am snack and coffee which makes me unreasonably happy.

At noon, I jump in my car to go home and make a lunch before I sit at my home office desk to begin my web and graphic design business work which can include website creation or edits, conference materials, newsletter layout both print and digital, or brochure design.

At 3pm I fetch the mail, walking down and up the 500ft driveway which climbs a 100ft vertically. That 20% grade makes the driveway steep. I may do chores out of the house like picking up prescriptions or do chores around the house like watering. I start dinner around 5 and eat about 6 when DH2 comes home. We’ll often watch an episode of something that we’re currently streaming. In the evening, I scroll social media and turn out the lights at 10pm.

Boring life?