Challenge Day 83

83. Magic: Imagine you have a touch of magic, and can make impossible things happen. What would you do?

If I had magic to make impossible things happen, I would want everyone:

  • to have a place to live
  • to have enough food
  • to have medical care
  • to have mental health support
  • to be kind
  • to be compassionate

No one would be:

  • racist
  • sexist
  • homophobic
  • transphobic
  • xenophobic
  • ageist
  • ableist

I’m very tired of patriarchy, misogyny, and capitalism and magically they would all disappear if I had that ability.

This may make me a liberal socialist but are these things wrong to want? It’s wrong to want people to be compassionate or have medical care? Really?

1 thought on “Challenge Day 83”

  1. Pingback: Challenge Day 93 – Dutcher-Dash

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