Challenge Day 8

8. Dream-catcher: Write something inspired by a recent dream you had.

Rather than what I have dreamed recently – since I can’t remember dreams these days – I’m more intrigued by what I’m not dreaming about. I’m not having my annoying, recurring, anxiety dreams. I rather like not having pointless dreams.

When I was young I had a whole set of dreams that were very unpleasant. In my teens I started reading Stephen King and after a couple years having especially bad dreams, I decided horror was not a good genre for me. Why introduce bad stuff to my dreams when real life gave me enough shit to keep the nightmare machine in action?

In my twenties while doing therapy, the nightmares were so real that even after I woke up, the monster would still be in my room. I don’t like dreams following me to real life.

After I got married (first time) I started having “classic” dreams, ones I’d heard about but had never had. In real life I was a good student but after I married, I had dreams:

  • where it was the final day of class but I had never attended
  • or I couldn’t find my class
  • or I didn’t do the work for the class when it was due

Why am I having these dreams? They were in no way anything like my life.

I also had dreams where I would lose the diamonds out of my wedding ring. It was a cousin dream to losing my teeth but while I wore my beautiful ring, I had weekly nightmares about losing my diamonds. Then IRL I did lose a diamond showing me that even if the nightmare comes true, they still haunt me in my nightly entertainment.

When I divorced, the “classic” dreams along with the diamond dreams ended. I don’t miss them.