Challenge Day 77

77. Geography: Pick a state or country you’ve never visited. Write about why you would or would not like to visit that place.

The Galapagos Islands live rent-free in my head as they hold scientific yet fantastical significance for me. Once I learned about natural selection, I mean really learned about natural selection, I thought deeply about Darwin’s journey, thought processes, and conclusions. I am curious about the environment and terrain that Darwin observed and explored that tickled his brain into conceiving natural selection. I love the lush photos of the Galapagos Islands, marveling at the diversity of flora and fauna, and I wonder if I just want to see what was so inspirational or if I want to be inspired too. Sometimes when I’m falling asleep, my brain tries to understand the scope of evolution but the enormity of time required for life to move from primordial soup to chihuahuas is too much for my mind to boggle.